In the final installment of Maris Jones' series Evolution of Punk, Maris tackles the terrible 2010s. First up on the altar of cultural parody: competition reality shows like Project Runway and the short-lived Bravo series Work of Art. In Maris' fantasy competition Water Wars, the hipster world's most renowned "aqueticians" compete for the right to... well, what it is they're actually competing for isn't exactly clear. But one thing's for sure: the Tim Gunn-esque host is an exacting water judge.
From there, Maris and Jacob Kornwolf launch into their impersonations, which encompass the best that this decade's pop-punk bands have to offer: 3Oh!3, Panic! At the Disco, and 5 Seconds of Summer all get their due, complete with those perfectly-coiffed hairdos. Frankly, if Maris ever wants to undertake a career change, she's got a promising future as a boy-band member.
But the end of this video offers a special little surprise for fans who have been watching this series all the way through: our punk friends from Maris' 1970s-edition video are back, and they seem to have a few choice words for the 2010s teenyboppers sullying the good name of punk...
Check it out!
Maris Jones
Maris Jones
Maris Jones
Maris Jones
Maris Jones
Maris Jones
Maris Jones
Maris Jones
Maris Jones
Maris Jones
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Richelle Chen
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