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You will be okay: on mental health and seeking help

Jun. 14, 2018
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You will be okay: on mental health and seeking help

Even though Mental Health Awareness Month has just ended, this doesn't mean that the conversation surrounding mental illness should stop.

There are a plethora of misconceptions about mental illness, and a major one-- one that affects everyone who struggles with mental illness-- is that you need to look unwell to be unwell. In this video, we meet Chrissy, 17, who struggles with Major Depressive Disorder.  

Chrissy openly discusses with us what has worked for her as she has sought help. She dives into the hard questions and assumptions that have been thrown at her throughout her treatment, including the ever-so-popular, "You seem so happy and fine!"

Chrissy also discusses why therapy is so important to her and the various misconceptions that are linked to seeking therapy. And during a time where our country's equal access to treatment for mental health-related issues is very much at stake, it's important for us to feel safe to openly discuss our individual stories so that more and more people become aware of just how many people are affected. 

Watch Chrissy's story above.  

edited by richelle chenabbey sacks