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Microaggressions with Winter Dunn: Growing Up as a Black Woman

Jun. 9, 2020
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Microaggressions with Winter Dunn: Growing Up as a Black Woman

For the most part, I have had positive interactions with the people I've come across over the course of my life, but there have always been moments that stick with me in which I can't help but feel "othered" by the way people speak to me. Whether it is conscious or unconscious, microaggressions are very present in everyday conversations towards minorities across the board. It may not seem like a big deal in the moment, but built up throughout an entire lifetime, it can take a toll on any person.

Now in my adult life, I've noticed the topic of microaggressions seems to come up often with my peers; from sharing the most hilarious and absurd things that have been said to us, to words that still shadow over our self esteem to this day. 

I had the privilege of talking to many people with many different backgrounds, who share different, but very similar, experiences. This is the first in my series in which we delve into their insights and personal stories, and how these microaggressions have affected them as the people they are today. 

First on our list is Winter Dunn, a hilarious, brilliant woman with an infectious laugh, discussing her personal and very real experiences growing up as a Black girl. 

You can find Winter on the internet on Instagram and Twitter.