Doctor Who's 13th Doctor will be played by a woman, and following the announcement last Sunday afternoon, the Internet, predictably, exploded. The news was initially shared by BBC via a special promo video that aired after the men's singles finals at the Wimbledon Championship. Actress Jodie Whittaker will take on the iconic role as the first woman to play the title role since the series first began back in 1963.
Whittaker told BBC, “It means remembering everyone I used to be, while stepping forward to embrace everything the Doctor stands for: hope. I can’t wait.” But, as you can imagine, many men are simply having a difficult time digesting the big news. Don't fret!-- the hilarious women (and even some men!) of Twitter can handle themselves just fine..
Me right now over the news about the new #DoctorWho
— BlackGirlNerds @SDCC (@BlackGirlNerds) July 16, 2017
*Calms all the angry men down* #doctor13 #DoctorWho #jodiewhittaker
— Shell (@shells_twits) July 16, 2017
BREAKING NEWS: misogynists around the world abandon fictional show because they hired a woman to play the lead alien #DoctorWho
— rose 11 (@Iovingkook) July 16, 2017
We respect all your opinions on this but think of it this way - Jodie isn’t a new female Doctor, she’s a new Doctor. #DoctorWho #Doctor13
— Big Blue Box Podcast (@bigblueboxpcast) July 16, 2017
To the people saying a female will ruin the show... a reminder that women have been behind the success of this show since 1963. #DoctorWho
— Lewis John Yule (@LewisJohnY2) July 16, 2017
Not sure what is more entertaining - the joy of Jodie Whittaker being cast as the Doctor, or grown men throwing tantrums over it. #DoctorWho
— Sister Outrider (@ClaireShrugged) July 16, 2017
We have no doubt in our minds that she will not only nail this role, but also open some more doors for actresses in the future. Huge congrats to Whittaker!
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