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14 reasons to ditch The Nice Guy™ & go for The Good Guy

May. 27, 2017
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So you went on a date with a guy. You got all dressed up, and he told you that you looked beautiful and took you out to a nice dinner. After whatever number of dates, you sleep together and eventually agree to be exclusive. Somewhere in the following month or few months, something changes and he turns on you. You react to this, and he does say all the right things to appease you, but he still acts differently and communication has dwindled.      

After enough time passes, this grows old, and you feel no choice but to end it with him, to which he doesn’t show much emotion. He is, however, nice about the whole thing.  

You dated Mr. Nice Guy™.  

It is almost impossible to tell Mr. Nice Guy™ and the Good Guy apart off first glance or even after a few months. He says all the right things, which makes you look past some of the things he does that should actually be huge red flags. 

While Mr. Nice Guy™ says all the right things, his actions don’t always reflect his seemingly good nature, and you run the risk of finding yourself heartbroken after just a few months.  

Here's how to know if you're dating Mr. Nice Guy™ or The Good Guy:

  • Mr. Nice Guy™ takes you out to restaurants for dinner. 
  • The Good Guy takes you out, but also wants to cook for you or with you.

  • Mr. Nice Guy™ tells you that you look beautiful when you get dressed up for date night. 
  • The Good Guy tells you that you’re beautiful in the store, in the car, after hiking, or whenever you laugh. 

  • Mr. Nice Guy™ makes a great impression on your parents, and your friends think he seems worth your time. 
  • The Good Guy does both of these things, but also wants you involved in his life and with his family and friends. 

  • Mr. Nice Guy™ will hold your hand when you’re out on dates. 
  • The Good Guy will hold your hand anywhere. 

  • When Mr. Nice Guy™ does something that upsets you, he says that he’s sorry.  
  • The Good Guy will say he’s sorry and discuss it with you so it doesn’t happen again. 

  • Mr. Nice Guy™ will pick you up in his car for a date and wait for you to come out. 
  • The Good Guy parks and walks up to your door. 

  • Mr. Nice Guy™ asks how your best girlfriend is doing. 
  • The Good Guy asks when you can all hang out. 

There is a difference between the guy who says you are beautiful and the guy who knows you are beautiful. There is a guy who will say the right things and a guy who will actually do them --without you needing to ask. 

When it comes to being single, we can get so discouraged after so many bad dates that finding a guy who says nice things to make us smile seems to be enough. After a while, however, those “nice things” become just words, and you realize that Mr. Nice Guy™ isn’t putting forth any more effort than he has to in order to keep you around. 

Because, you deserve someone who will put forth effort so that he gets to be the guy who calls you his girl.