I’ve been feeling very lonely and in need of attention, which is hard to get when you’re only able to see minimal people thanks to a pandemic. Without the ability to go out in public, chat with strangers, and meet people in the places I used to, I’m a bit bored and desperate.
This playlist was made in a specific order to represent the process my brain goes through in these low points. The songs placed in the beginning are more upbeat, fun, and remind me what it feels like to be out in the world interacting with others. As the playlist continues I added some songs that switch the tone to be a bit more sad, lonely, and represent some of my internal thoughts that make me almost nostalgic for the days when the world was “normal.”
I created this collage as a visual to match the chaos that is my head right now. With images representing looking but also being looked at, love, and stadiums of people that look strange and foreign at this point.
“Anything You Want” by Jawny
A fantastic groove for driving. Represents the intoxication of someone new, and the song itself is addicting.
“Kiss” by Prince
A classic, it’s got a punch and the riff before he sings “Kiss” is way too fun.
“Comb My Hair” by Pretty Boy Aaron
This song makes me kind of sad because she sings about having to look good for someone else—but the excitement of dressing up for someone you’re excited to see is definitely real.
“Touch Me” by The Doors
Another classic that just feels like it needs to be absolutely shouted from a rooftop. It’s somehow romantic and rock n’ roll all in one. The horns are killer too.
“Mega Hot Super Babe” by Little Bird
This one is kind of ridiculous, but I can’t help but love it. Super chill, makes me want to sit, looking good on a pool float.
“Fever” by Peggy Lee
I love this song. I can’t remember when or where I first heard this song, but it’s just plain red hot. I’m not exactly sure how this song manages to hold such a power over me, but it’s fantastic.
“In These Shoes” by Kirsty MacColl
This song is just some kind of dumb fun to me. It has such a free spirit and makes me dance when I’m making dinner.
“Lovefool” by the Cardigans
I had to include this song. Just listen to the lyrics.
“Arty Boy” by Flight Facilities and Emma Louise
I go to art school, so this one is a shout out to my favorite kind of boys. I also suggest checking out the Tennyson remix on SoundCloud if you’re into remixes, it’s wild.
“Fluorescent Adolescent” by the Arctic Monkeys
Next up, another classic and one of my favorite songs. I realized I never really thought about the lyrics until making this playlist. They sing about a woman whose rebellious, best-you-ever-had, most exciting parts of life are all in the past. This song is happily nostalgic but heartbreaking at the same time.
“By Myself” by FIDLAR
This is a great one to blast in the car alone. Lyrics that emphasize loneliness but fantastic beat. Great for when you’re kind of mad and full of energy.
“LonelyAsFck” by Mia Gladstone
Mia is the actual best and her voice is angelic. This song is the epitome of how I’ve been feeling recently.
“Call On Me” by Litany
This song speaks for itself and has a nice tune.
“Liking All Your Posts” by Oscar Lang
This song may or may not be on my private list of the few songs that make me cry; however, I love it. He nails the lyrics and what it’s like to live today with the strange way social media affects the connections we have with people.
“Tinder Song” by Victor Internet
Another great song that talks about human connections and what it’s like to connect online.
“Where Did You Go?” by Sam Evian
I’m a new fan of Sam Evian and actually had to struggle between choosing this song and two of his others, so definitely check him out. This one’s a soft bop that sounds nice.
“Ring” by Djo
Love this song and the Twenty Twenty album as a whole. I chose this song for the outro and the verse in which he talks about problems multiplying, which definitely seems relevant right now.
“Things Are Gonna Get Easier” by Low Motion Disco
Lastly, this song is a unique take on the 1970 The Five StairSteps single, “O-o-h Child.” I listened to this song on loop for a solid three or four months when I was going through a really tough time, and speaking from experience, it has healing powers. I used to listen to it when I was trying to fall asleep and couldn’t because it’s six minutes long and has so many soft layers. Both the original and this version are great.
Isobel Brown
Olivia Morrison
Hank Dobson
Brittany Menjivar