On January 20th, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. However, it's January 21st that will forever become a day to be remembered.
The Women’s March on Washington, with an estimated 200,000 and counting, is being referred to as one of the largest demonstrations in American History. What started out as a spontaneous rally cry on social media, has now turned into a world wide movement.
“I'm marching as a 59 year old woman because I've seen so much positive change for women during my life and I'm not willing to let ANY of it go without a fight” said Lisa Newell, who will be attending the march on Saturday. “Women have always been undervalued by society, and I'm afraid to see the government lead us backward rather than forward.”
President-Elect Donald Trump has had an ongoing theme throughout his candidacy, one that has forced women to take a stand and demand the respect they deserve and have fought so fiercely to obtain. Trump has been seen referring to women as “pigs”, commenting on their physical appearance, insinuating his fame allows him to treat them however he desires, and bragging about grabbing women by the genitals.
“It is so important that we as mothers go and march so that our daughters will have a better future with full control over their bodies.” said Traci McNulty Snipes, a member of the Pantsuit Nation. “I also want my daughters to know I am willing to stand and say they are worth equal pay. When they study really hard for a test in school, I want them to know that one day it will be rewarded by equal pay and equal opportunities. I want them to know that they matter enough to me that I will go and lend my voice and my presence so they can have better. Participating in this movement is a gift I can give my daughters and all women that come after this generation. Others stood up for us and we got the right to vote and we will stand for the future of all women.”
The march calls upon all defenders of human rights, and with almost 200 progressive groups attending, the march will not only be taking a stand for the rights and fair treatment of women, but will also be marching for racial and gender equality, the environment, affordable healthcare, a free press, and voting rights.
“America taught me that democracy is not only the right to free speech, but how it is our responsibility to speak out against injustice” said Bobbi Jo Hart, who will be attending the march. “As Gandhi so eloquently stated, "Be the change you want to see in the world." So we are marching against misogyny, racism, and lies in the White House. We are marching for women's rights and all human rights. We are marching to show our daughters that a small group of people really can change the world, especially when they unite for a common cause.”
Among the many marchers, Katy Perry, Scarlett Johansson, Amy Schumer, Cher, Julianne Moore, and America Ferrera will also be joining hands with their fellow females and participating in the days events. The march’s co-chairs include the inspirational presence of Gloria Steinem, Harry Beladonte, and Dolores Huerta.
The March on Washington is just one of the many women's marches that will be occurring all over the world on January 21st. An estimated 386 sister marches have been organized, estimating a total of 735,070 individuals joining together to take a stand for human rights.
President Trump’s first day in office will be filled with a sea of pink knitted hats flooding throughout the world and onto his doorstep.
“The Government and Trump need to understand that the people are watching.” said Michelle Wilkinson, who will be attending the march. “We will not sit quietly while he does what he wants. Our votes may not have counted, but our voices will be heard. We matter! Always take action. Words are not enough.”
Cover Image via Narya Marcille
Julia Weiner
Anna Vo
Austin Raymundo
Robyn Luk