With school back in session, the learners among us are already on the hunt for more resources to expand and deepen their knowledge. If you’ve already got your study routine down pat, great! But if not, don’t fret: it’s possible that all you have to do is expand your search. Believe it or not, the best place to look for study-related inspo is social media—particularly a subset of Tumblr populated by blogs called Studyblrs. A Studyblr is a Tumblr blog dedicated to an aspect of studying or student life. Studyblrs are informative, inspirational, and (best of all) totally free.
Studyblrs can be about nearly any subject related to handling your studies, and they can be a great resource for learners seeking extra inspiration. (There’s one exception, sort of: while Tumblr blogs related to learning languages do exist, they are called Langblrs and exist within their own community.) Most Studyblrs are run by high school and college students, but not all of them, and they don’t all revolve around schooling; many are more focused on time management, organization, and note-taking, which are skills that can apply just as easily to self-learning or Powerpoint-making as to A.P. English.
Many Studyblrs are image-heavy, and all those pictures of notes and school supplies have an impact similar to a vision board: much like vision boards remind people to focus on their goals with imagery related to the tasks in question, seeing pictures of meticulously-organized notes may inspire you to rise to the occasion. Text posts often amount to a collection of resources or links to other posts or websites. The lists will be themed, and may be divided into smaller sections. This presents a lot of information in a way that makes resources easier to find. (Word to the wise: it’s generally a good idea to double-check any information you get from a Studyblr.) As a bonus, Studyblrs tend to feature free resources, as they understand most learners are on a budget. So don’t think you’ll need a fortune to benefit from what a Studyblr has to offer!
If this sounds right up your alley, but you’re not sure where to look, don’t sweat it! Studyblrs are easy to find. All you have to do is search the keyword “studyblr” on Tumblr or even Google. Once you find one or two you like, you should have no problem finding others that work for you by going through your favorite bloggers’ reposts or recommendations. And just in case all that still sounds too overwhelming for you, here are a few of my personal faves to help you get started:
This Studyblr features long posts with themes on academic achievement, self-care, and resources for educational materials. Plus, this blog interacts regularly with other blogs within the Tumblr community—fun!
This blog is specifically focused on biomed subjects. Post are similar to a collection of lecture notes, accompanied by relevant graphics. Perfect for anyone looking for extra notes on certain biomed content.
This Studyblr is more aesthetics-focused, complete with a linked Studygram (i.e. a study-themed Instagram) with aesthetic pictures related to studying. This bloger uses illustrations for posts and frequently links to other helpful educational material and resources.
The majority of the posts on Studystory are aesthetic pictures of notebooks and notes, which makes it great inspiration for creating a workspace. Visuals can also provide readers with a physical representation of good study habits. This Studyblr also includes periodic text posts centered on educational resources and self-care.
Anna Lee
Olivia Spring
Anna Lee
Alana James