written and directed by Talia Light Rake
cinematography by Miles Shebar
starring Delilah Napier and Taylor Bloom
music: fading [demo] by Mark Twang
production assistant: Gabe Aguilar
Adolescent: Hi Talia! We love your short- we could all relate so much. What inspired you to make it?
Talia Light Rake: Thank you so much! For almost the past two years, I’ve been keeping a list on my phone titled “the shit we do.” It is filled with little moments that I’ve experienced or my friends have shared with me -- everything from going back into the dining hall’s servery multiple time so they can walk by their crush, accidentally dropping birth control in a glass of water and then chugging the whole glass immediately, to overanalyzing someone’s social media liking pattern on your photos. When I was studying abroad in Amsterdam last year, I missed my theater community and decided to scratch my creative itch with writing. I have always been a fan of slice-of-life storytelling and so I knew that my list would be a great place to start.
Adolescent: There’s some great commentary here about how nuanced relationships are! Might be a personal question, but Is this based on personal experience?
Talia: Yeah, it totally is! My housemates can tell you that that ~Neutrogena Pore Refining Exfoliating Cleanser~ has been around much longer than my short. I remember not thinking much of his comment until I found myself buying cleanser. I couldn’t tell if I was more upset with what he said or with myself for believing his word and buying in - literally.
Adolescent: This is your first time ever writing or directing a short, correct? How was your experience?
Talia: Oh, it was so much fun. I have written and directed for theater before, but never for film. It was wild to me how clearly I was able to see everything in my head and I was so lucky that I was able to work with a team that truly just made it happen. Even though “some things stick” is not very long, it was important to me to create complex characters and Taylor and Delilah just brought them to life so easily.
Adolescent: What advice do you have for first time filmmakers?
Talia: Just find the time and make it happen. It’s okay if it’s not the best or exactly what you want it to be - just taking that step in the right direction is everything.
Adolescent: What’s next for you?
Talia: In June I will be moving to New York to start work at Manhattan Theatre Club. I hope to continue doing both theater and film in all capacities and to develop the next episode of “some things stick.”
Brittany Menjivar
Olivia Morrison
Luke Van Buskirk