I shot this series during Pride Month because I wanted to celebrate Pride, but I wanted to think past the rainbow flags and stereotypical work. I have many friends who are part of the LGBTQ+ community, and I consider myself an ally of this community, so it’s important to me that my friends feel respected and valued and important. I wanted to celebrate their individual pride—what being part of the LGBTQ+ community means to them.
I shot several people and worked closely with each person to develop the overall theme of their shoot. I brought in several ideas, but ultimately we worked together to define mood, colors, and even editing concepts.
Nicholas was fun to work with. He could be soft and broody and then theatrical all within seconds. He’s a very beautiful boy. His eyes are green and his jawline is killer, and I kind of wanted to cover up his features in some of the shots so that his attitude and his personality could shine through.
Valheria Rocha
(valheriarocha.com // @valheria123)
Nicholas Allen
(@nicholas_all // signed with @factorchosen_atl)
Zara & TopMan
Ting Ting Chen
Kyla Rain
Christiana Birch
Charlotte Entwistle