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November playlist: outro

Nov. 28, 2017
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November is drawing to a close, and those winter vibes are setting in. To see us out of this month, we asked Adolescent creator Myles Loftin to make us a playlist. Enjoy!

Music is probably the second-most important thing in my life besides photography. I was just talking on the phone with my mom the other day, and she was telling about how when rewatching videos of me as a child she noticed that there was always the sound of music in the background. From the time I was born, music was always a part of the background, as my parents were both avid music listeners with equally diverse taste in sounds.

My parents, especially my dad, have influenced my taste in music, and my insatiable need to always have music playing. Whenever I do a shoot indoors I love to play my favorite songs, or whatever is in tune with my emotions at the moment. This selection of songs reflects some of my favorite new and old tracks that I’ve had on rotation for the past few months. I hope that they make you feel the same way I do, and that they become the soundtrack to some of your important life moments.