Once in a while, we splurge on something we think we deserve after having a stressful week or a hard time at work. But often in the end, when we realize we spent too much, the wave of guilt crashes over us. Indulging doesn't have to be costly, unhealthy, or overwhelming. For example, inviting a friend over for a bottle of wine and some homemade food is a great way to celebrate too (plus, it cuts the costs and saves you time from waiting in line for reservations). If you’re fond of something in particular, say, reading, go give yourself a much deserved book haul. Or if you find more comfort and happiness in travel, go on a road trip or book that flight. Rewarding yourself isn’t supposed to make you feel bad afterwards. It shouldn’t be the regret of eating almost a whole box of pizza on a Saturday night. That's why mindfulness is an essential part of decision-making. It enables you to weigh things and decide whether they’re good for you in the long run. It's not always about fancy salt baths and expensive dinners. What matters is whether your mind and soul are fulfilled at the end of the day.
Olivia Morrison
Hank Dobson
Brittany Menjivar