It’s Pride month! The annual L.A. Pride parade took on a different tone this year as tens of thousands of individuals filled Hollywood on Sunday, in what turned into a march of resistance.
In a sea of rainbows, protestors took a stand for all human rights as they made their 3-mile march through Hollywood into West Hollywood. Amongst the protestors, included drag queen icon RuPaul, Democratic leader, Nancy Pelosi, and Mayor Eric Garcetti.
“This year, the LGBTQ community is lending our iconic rainbow flag to anyone who feels like their rights are under threat and to anyone who feels like America’s strength is its diversity,” said the march’s organizer, Brian Pendleton. “The political climate we find ourselves in has driven us to galvanize and unite.”
via: CBS
As protesters demanded for Trumps impeachment, Pelosi urged the marchers to fight for the amendment of the Equality Act, a bill that is working towards ending discrimination against the LGBTQ community within the United States.
"Every step we take forward to end discrimination in our country is a patriotic act," said Pelosi.
The honoring and celebration of the LGBTQ Pride month first began in 1970 to commemorate the one year anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall riots in New York.
Although the inspirational pride parade is the main event for pride month, there are still plenty of other events occurring to lend our support and excitement for the LGBTQ community.
via CBS
When: June 16th
Where: Los Angeles LGBT Center
Beginning at 7:00p.m, BigQueerConvo will be an evening featuring Trans-Activist and motivational speaker, Aydian Dowling, who will be discussing the important topics of self-love, acceptance, and the spreading the inspiring message of believing in yourself.
Following Dowling, there will be an open reception titled, “We Can Be Heros”, from 9:00-10:00 p.m.
When: June 24th
Where: Pickwick Gardens
In a fun evening of dinner and dancing, it’s never too late to go to prom! In a judgment free environment, everyone is encouraged to dress in whatever makes them feel beautiful, accompanied by whoever they chose to have on their arm.
Starting at 5:00p.m., there is only a $5 to $10 donation suggested.
When: June 25th
Where: Market Street from Beale to 8th
The final weekend of Pride month wouldn’t be complete without the infamous event in San Francisco. The Parade, which is also taking on a more political tone this year, will begin at 10:30 a.m and continue down Market Street, incorporating multiple speakers and performances.
One City One Pride LGBTQ Arts Festival
When: May 20th-June 30th
Where: Los Angeles
The One City One Pride art festival will be featuring a “Go West” theme this year, consisting of visual art, tours, screenings, and interactive performing that celebrate the LGBTQ community and creators. Check out the website for dates and locations of the various exhibits and events!
Anna Lee
Olivia Spring
Anna Lee
Alana James