Step aside, dairy. The plant-based revolution is here. Every year, more and more Americans are turning away from traditional cow’s milk in favor of their favorite dairy substitute. Statistics show that the majority of these consumers reach for almond milk over soy, coconut, hemp, and rice milks. No surprise, considering how delicious and healthy it is. Almond milk isn’t just reserved for those with lactose intolerance, vegans, and hipsters, though. Anyone who wants something creamy in their coffee without the added cholesterol, hormones, and calories present in dairy can enjoy the benefits of almond milk.
Want to know the best part? It’s super easy to make at home, which will ensure your almond milk is as fresh and tasty as possible, without the added preservatives. You’ll never want to drink store-bought ever again, promise. Plus, making it at home allows you to play around with the sweetness, flavorings, and thickness of the milk.
How to do it: soak a cup of almonds overnight or for up to two days. The longer they soak, the creamier the milk will be.
Drain the water, then blend the almonds with about two fresh cups of water in a food processor or blender. The less water, the thicker and denser the milk will be. Strain the liquid from the almond pulp and you’re ready to drink the best almond milk you’ve ever had.
Be sure to make small batches and drink it quickly, because homemade almond milk is not pasteurized and goes bad within a few days of being made.
Add whatever sweeteners and/or flavorings you want, like honey, agave, cinnamon, or vanilla, and enjoy!
You can also use the leftover almond pulp in baked goods, smoothies, and other recipes.
Homemade Almond Milk
Makes about 2 cups
1 cup raw almonds
2 cups water, plus more for soaking
Optional: honey, agave, vanilla extract, cinnamon
Cover Image by Jodeci Zimmerman
Anna Lee
Olivia Spring
Anna Lee
Alana James