From the time I was a tiny little child and up until today, I have loved animals. They’re cute, they’re furry-- what’s not to love? For a long time, I thought I would be a veterinarian when I grew up, and then I decided that seeing all the sick animals would be too difficult (plus, I wasn’t about to stick my hand up a cat or cut open a dog). Then I did grow up, and I discovered many companies I was buying makeup products from were using those fuzzy little creatures I had loved my whole life as test dummies.
The animal testing industry is a cruel one. It honestly broke my heart when I learned what it meant when a company tested on animals. But, instead of making you sad and telling you about that, I’m going to tell you how to be a part of the solution: how and why to buy cruelty free cosmetics.
The “why do it?” is pretty simple. Because why would you spend money on products that send helpless animals, including many we have as pets, to live lives of torment and poison, when you could give your money to companies that leave animals alone and make similar and sometimes even better products?
The “how” part is a little more complicated...
The first step I took was finding out if the makeup I already owned was cruelty free. I looked at PETA’s website and googled the brands of cosmetics I owned. Some websites say plain and simple that the company doesn't test on animals, but some make harder for us to find this information. Many companies don’t take part in animal testing in the United States but may sell their products in China where animal testing is required by law. Don’t get it twisted-- animal testing is NOT required by law in the United States! Don’t be fooled by anyone telling you otherwise!
After doing a little research, I was able to decipher what was cruelty free and what wasn’t. I went out in search of better products I would feel better about using to replace the ones I already owned that weren’t cruelty free. Realizing that this is something I was lucky to be able to afford doing, I want to stress that you don’t have to get rid of the products you already own! Use them up, and when it comes time to buy new ones, that’s when you can begin going cruelty free. Do it however works for you!
As I embarked on my search for cruelty free cosmetics, it was easy to find high end brands that were cruelty free. However, shopping for makeup at the drugstore proved much more difficult. With some practice, I have learned which brands are affordable and bunny-friendly. Some of my favorites are: ELF, Wet N Wild, NYX, Milani, Soap and Glory, Physician’s Formula, and Sonia Kashuk. As for good cruelty free brushes that are made with synthetic fibers and are still affordable, ELF, Wet N Wild, Real Techniques, EcoTools and Sonia Kashuk are all great options! A fantastic resource if you’re looking into these things on your own is Cruelty Free Kitty. This blog outlines nearly every brand you could think of in the cosmetics industry and lets you know whether they are cruelty free or not, including information on parent companies and testing in China.
Making the switch to cruelty free cosmetics is one of the best things I have ever done! I feel good about the products I’m using, and although I’m sure I’ve made some mistakes at some point and maybe not every single thing I own is cruelty free, I feel good supporting companies that are kind to animals, and it makes me feel good about knowing where my money is going.
Anna Lee
Olivia Spring
Anna Lee
Alana James