I get this very specific feeling in my gut when I'm inspired by something. If it's an image I've stumbled upon online, I save it in a folder named "SIZZLE SIZZLE." Photos or artwork that inspire me feel like they have a special shine to them, and the word "sizzle" feels right, like momentarily falling in love with something, even if that something is a drawing of an old shoe or a photo of Jimi Hendrix in a poncho on one of his album covers. You know as you're looking at it that you won't forget it, almost like the image is already a memory.
I always find it fun to go through these saved pictures. My reaction to them is usually just as visceral a few months down the line, and I like having a record of what I've been drawn to. It feels important, like proof of some kind of personal journey. This collage kit is made up of images I saved on my computer this past year. It's a library of colors and textures and moments. I've also included two printable frames that you can use for your artwork, in case you feel like hanging it up on your wall. Print these pages out and use good old-fashioned scissors and glue to do some arts and crafts, or download the kit and create something digitally. When you're done, send a photo or scan of your artwork to
Download the first page here.
This printable picture frame here.
And this second frame here.
Brittany Menjivar
Olivia Morrison
Luke Van Buskirk