To start: could you please introduce yourself, mention your dog’s name, your favorite female rapper at the moment, and your order at an elote lady?
Well, my name is Vianey, everybody calls me Trap Sade or Soicey Trap, and my dog’s name is Luther Van Gough. And when I get corn out here I usually just get corn on the cob with lots of butter, salt, pepper, and maybe a little bit of lemon.
What can we expect from your documentary with Marko Vuorinen?
My documentary basically consists of my life story and past relationships that have broken me but also therefore have made me. And it also consists of my music, my struggles, trying to do my music and my career.
Do you have anything to say about the passing of hradguitar5?
I don't really have much to say, but what I do have to say is that that was somebody very dear to me and I'm going to continue his legacy—but not only continue it: I'm going to make it bigger than he was able to in his lifetime. I just want people to know that he's not gone, he's still here because I'm here. As long as I'm here, I'm going to continue to represent for him and continue to give life to his legacy.
What was your first tattoo?
My first tattoo was two stars on my wrist. I got them done when I was like 14 by this Mexican guy named Coco, and he was super huge, some MS13 guy, and he lived by my mom’s house in Jersey. He was basically my plug for weed, but I just asked him for a tattoo and he did it. But it was, like, really bad.
You’re working with Kreashawn right now. How has that been, and is she producing a music video for you?
Me and Kreashawn are working on a song. Basically, she produced it—it's her first beat that she's ever produced—and she gave me the opportunity to get on it, so I got to do my own thing to it. She's not really producing my video. I don't really like people helping me with my ideas or concepts; I usually like to do that on my own. I'm always down to collab music, but video ideas I usually do myself.
What was it like growing up between the Bronx and New Jersey?
Growing up between the Bronx and New Jersey was kind of crazy because I was born in Jersey and my mom expected me to turn out a certain way, but that's not how it turned out because I was also being raised in the Bronx. There was conflict because my mom wanted me to act according to her ideas for me but it wasn't working out because I always had my own thing going on because I was a city girl. Growing up between Jersey and the Bronx was kind of hectic.
How did you start working with La Goony Chonga?
Me and La Goony Chonga started working together randomly. It took us awhile to work together, honestly, but me and Goony have been friends for awhile, so we never really rushed into working on music because we were always focused on creating a relationship, a bond between us—we're like family. But one day we were at the house and we just recorded some random shit, and that's how it started, basically.
Going into music, was your goal money or fame, and do you think the two can ever be exclusive?
Going into music I was mostly about the money, because to me it was never about the fame. When I was little, I guess I always attracted a lot of attention, so I never really focused on that. But there was always a focus on money, because obviously you know money is what gets you places and gets you the things you want. Basically, my goals have always had something to do with money, and I've always wanted money when it came down to it. Yeah, I've always loved music, but I also need to make money.
How has Instagram shaped your career, and what do you think about modern accessibility to fame?
Instagram has shaped my career in a lot of ways. It has opened doors for me that I didn't think I could reach, which is cool. I kind of feel in between about it because at the end of the day, as an artist, I would be happy as fuck if I got on through Instagram, but at the same time I also feel shade towards it because a lot of lame-ass people get on, and the people that should get on and do deserve it, don't, because they're being overlooked by people that have looks and money.
What are you favorite flowers?
My favorite flowers are roses, and I like daisies as well.
What about Sade inspired you to use her name as part of your rapper name?
I grew up listening to Sade, and ever since I was little that was the only type of music that would mellow me down when I was in a situation where I really wanted to do some bugged-out shit. So I used it because—I feel like Trap is my name because of the shit that I do, my hard side, but then at the same time that's not the only side to me. That's why I added Sade, because there's a soft side to me, and I want my music to be a mixture of that. So I combined Trap and Sade.
If you could befriend any famous person who would it be?
If I could befriend any famous person it would be Andy Milonakis because he's so cool.
Adolescent is psyched to be able to bring this and other articles from the pages of Crybaby Zine to our readers. This piece was originally written for their Fame Issue—if you like it, check out their store to buy this or other issues!
Remi Riordan
Natalie Baxter
Remi Riordan